A sudden outburst of emotion, frustration, excitement, a feeling of adventure often ends up here. And a lot of messed up posts - reflecting my true self.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
MUMBAI LOCAL & the helpful commuters
Only local train passengers in Mumbai will know how helpful commuters try to be......
Last week, a hapless victim fell prey to the over enthusiastic Bombay's local train commuters.
Our hero, a man from Pune, wanted to go to Matunga, but as luck and trains would have it, boarded a fast train not halting at his destination. He panicked on realising his mistake but by then the local had started moving. On seeing his plight, a sympathetic co-passenger decided to come to his rescue.
It seemed that he had been commuting by that particular train (6:03pm Kasara Fast) for the past 6 years and had noticed that the train always slowed down just before Matunga station and crawled at a snail's pace while passing through it. He told the man to jump out of the running train as it slowed down and that with a little bit of fleet-footedness, he would make it safely on terra firma. However, knowing the man's inexperience, he added some words of caution:
"Keep running the moment you jump or you'll fall. Just keep running." He stressed the word "running" lest the man not know the laws of motion. The train did slow down just before Matunga station and at the prompting of his mentor, our hero jumped out of the train and started running as if all hell had broken loose.
What he didn't realise, of course, was that he was running parallel to the train instead of running away from it. Meanwhile, the train slowed down further, so that the man was running faster than the train. In the process, he reached the door of the next compartment and the footboard commuters there pulled him in thinking he was trying to board the train! To his agony, the train picked up speed and sped past Matunga and his new co-passengers started to congratulate him on how lucky he had been, until he told them that they had actually undone what he had done with great difficulty.
Those standing at the door of his "ex-compartment" had witnessed the whole drama and just couldn't stop laughing at the poor man's situation, while he grinned sheepishly!! !
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
red chilly vs alien
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Movie Catalogs
So I turned up to Google, and the very first link showed this freeware (of course, I also don’t want to pay for it!) - antp.be > Software > Ant Movie Catalog. I must say, Google did come out with the best result at the top. Though visually the interface is not very appealing (though this is taken care of by … – well read on) but all the relevant information about the movie is captured.
Another nice thing is that its a no-nonsense tool when downloading movie information from the net. It can get information from a huge number of web movie databases and the best part is that it offered me source code of scripts it uses to get information from imdb, amazon and other sites. As I am a coder by profession I found it a very useful feature it allows me to practically do whatever customizations are possible in the information I need.
The program has usual import/export features, a unique statistics menu that shows bar charts (whew!) for a lot of stats viz number of movies, movies by countries, genre, language etc. Ant also has a Group by feature though with a lot many by fields (practically all it knows).
Now, about visual – priyatana.org provides Ant Viewer that is a pretty nice user interface to display ant movies catalog (*.amc) files. I find the display it provides the best when compared to other free/paid tools; check out its screenshot for yourself. You will simply love
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Next Blog
Why Don't Aliens Show Up in Public ?
By the way who isn't afraid of the mass gatherings ? we humans do. a gathering of more than 3 persons after 10' in the night arouses suspicion and apprehensions. I remember how few years back, me and my cousins kept late hours outside our houses in the cool of the night breeze, chatting incessantly, when a police patrolling party would turn up and started questioning and finally would disperse us to recede to the house. Even peaceful discussions seemed to be 'men in conspiracy'. Such are the troubled times we are living in. Reason why aliens want to keep themselves alienated from us.
Blogging to communicate
This blog I had written a few months back , actually a few years (one, to be exact) now. Plan was to put up a nice blog where all three of us roomies can post our mundane conundrums, whims and unneccessary comments. We all three were spending most of our time in office (whiling away time, most of the time …) with the result that we faced each other only on weekends which too diddled away in doing laundry and girl friends. So to open up a communication channel we agreed to meet here. Somehow, like many great ideas which fail to flourish, this too drained away.
26th September, '06
After I ran up the balance in my cell talking to a chat friend for more than half an hour, conjuring up a date with her, I climbed upstairs to my room. All the usual inmates were in. Sid was leaving for a movie, being a movie-maniac he is, there was no one stopping him. He didn’t bothered asking me, knowing very well how I detest going to Diamond. Debu left to meet an old room-mate from Delhi. So I was left with little choice but to relax down and skim through the novels I bought last Saturday. I picked up some random book. Its author was ruminating over his experiences with the whores he had night outs with. Sid left and Debu came back in. Trains were not running because of some technical fault. So he had to cut his appointment. He opened his lap-top, put MLTR on win-amp. The peculiar position his laptop was placed relayed the information that he was browsing through some porn e-magazine. After some time he went to shed the load with the laptop now under my scrutiny. He also left for a movie.
Saturday’s tend to be quiet boring after a busy week at the office and especially when you have no girlfriend to see. Why there is no girl in my life, even I wonder. What do you need to have a hand across your arms? This question keeps puzzling me. Even though every girl I talk with refuses to believe that I don’t have a girlfriend, yet no one agrees to be one.
So here I was left, deserted again, wondering how to spend the night. I am not of “early-to-bed and early-to-rise” types so have to look out for something to while away the time till sleep overcomes my senses. There was laundry to be done (pun unintended, literal meaning) but I think this blog was shaping up somewhere in my mind and so the laptop started recording all these keystrokes.
love ...
I woke up in the same world but the world had changed;
It took me long to know what happened so new,
Then i realised i was in love with u ...
inexplicable theories
Once & Now ...
Postpaid Subscription
Think of the Devil
Need a good repellant
The Evening Loafers
The Ignoramus
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Me, Myself & She ...
Most of the time i would be carping here about the ubiquitous 'she', the ladies in my life. As they say, 'someone somewhere is made for you'. but until i found her, why not try my fate with the other females of our species; maybe, i am made for them ! OK .. i stop.
well, that statement was for those first timers who may come wandering here, and may start looking for my hideout in an attempt to discover a beautiful dame exposing (only her mind ;) to all ... so guys, the title of the post itself must have reflected by now that i am a m-a-l-e, so please don't get much excited judging the book by the cover (give a damn look to my profile) ...
come, stay, revisit ...